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When the prevalence of child sexual abuse is combined with its economic burden, the results are staggering. Child sexual abuse is a public health problem of enormous consequence.

Substance abuse problems are a common consequence for adult survivors of child sexual abuse.

  • The CDC recently estimated the lifetime burden of a new substantiated of nonfatal child maltreatment to be $210,012 per victim. This includes immediate costs, as well as loss of productivity and increased healthcare costs in adulthood.
  • While this estimate is for all forms of child maltreatment, there is evidence that the consequences of child sexual abuse are equivalent or greater than the consequences of other forms of child maltreatment.
  • This estimate is comparable to that of many other high profile public health problems, indicating the impact and seriousness of the issue of child maltreatment. For example, the lifetime costs of stroke per person were estimated at $159,846 (2010 dollars).The total lifetime costs associated with type 2 diabetes were estimated between $181,000 and $253,000 (2010 dollars) per case.

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